Next-level support, Fastest hosting

A worry-free web host trusted by over 30,000 customers.

Next-level support, Fastest hosting

A worry-free web host trusted by over 30,000 customers.
2 min. average reply
Tested fastest 2024
Green hosting

Next-level support, Fastest hosting

A worry-free web host trusted by over 30,000 customers

Best rated in 2024
Green Hosting
google reviews best webhoster
Rating: 4,9/5 | 230 reviews
Rating: 4,9/5 | 569 reviews

Cloud86 makes fast Hosting affordable

Web Hosting

Everything you need to get your website online in no-time.
starting at
Save up to 48%
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Blazing fast
Test environment & backups
Extensive tool set

Managed WordPress

A cutting-edge hosting experience with premium technical support and more power.
starting at
Save up to 60%
Learn more
Fully optimized for WordPress
Ideal for fast-growing sites
Backups twice per day
75% fewer accounts per server
Complete peace of mind

Managed VPS

Your own server, fully managed by us so you can focus on your business.
starting at
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Easy to scale own server
Great for resellers
Extensive SLA
server location
European based data center

Fast and Secure European Data center

Enjoy top-rated website loading times and full GDPR compliance with European-based servers. Get advanced technology and premium hardware on our own professionally managed data center.
LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress
QUIC.Cloud Enterprise CDN
Next-generation hardware and enterprise infrastructure
fastest litespeed web hosting

The power of next-gen web hosting

Everybody claims to be the fastest. We’ve got proof.

Independent research has shown Cloud86 to be the fastest hosting provider in Europe. Convert more of your visitors into actual customers as your site loads lightning-fast.
LiteSpeed Platinum Partner
Tested on maximum speed and stability CDN for a fast website anywhere in the world
Hardware, all owned and managed in-house
Single-threaded PHP for the highest CPU frequency

Average response time in seconds

1. Cloud86
2. Siteground
4. TransIP
5. Hostinger
6. Junda
7. Strato

Tested by Start24, Hostingvergelijker and Webhosters


2 min.

Average live chat
response time



Support which truly has got you covered

Our customers always come first. From helping you to find the best hosting plan for your needs to fixing any of your issues - we’ve got your back.
Live chat support for answers within minutes
If it’s easier for you, we are also reachable by phone
A support team filled to the brim with WordPress experts
We reduce handovers to a minimum
Benefit from our 20+ years of web hosting experience
About us

Best-in-class security to put your mind at ease

Our security solutions keep your website safe and online at all times.
Automated backups which we keep for up to 7 days
External datacenter where we store backups
24/7 systems monitoring for maximum uptime
Isolated account environment to prevent cross-contamination
Daily malware scans to nip any threats in the bud
View hosting plans

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