
Register your domain name through Velocity Host...


Take your business email to the next level with VelocityMail: powered by SmarterMail.



VPS Linode

VPS hosting through US based Linode

Microsoft 365

Hosted Mirosoft 365 solutions for business.

For a full feature comparison please visit the official O365 page for more information.

Website Hosting

Velocity Host's best in class website hosting.

VPS Compute Shared

KVM Virtualisation with shared CPU.

Managed WordPress Hosting

Velocity Host's best in class Managed WordPress hosting.

Managed WordPress Add-On

Managed Wordpress services, to help you keep on top of your website.

Reseller Hosting

Velocity Host's Reseller Hosting on our shared servers is ideal for any agency or developer looking to provide best in class hosting for their clients.

VPS Compute Optimised

KVM Virtualisation, Compute Optimised